Creating a Pet-Friendly Kitchen with Customized Cabinetry

As a pet owner, you want to ensure that your furry friend is comfortable and safe in every corner of your home, including the kitchen. A pet-friendly kitchen is a space that not only meets your needs as a homeowner but also caters to the needs of your pet. With customized cabinetry, you can create a functional and stylish kitchen that incorporates pet-friendly features that will make your life easier and your pet’s life more comfortable.

10 Ways to Create a Pet-Friendly Kitchen with Customized Cabinetry

Here are some ways to create a pet-friendly kitchen with customized cabinetry:

1. Food Storage and Water Bowl Cabinet

One of the most important features of a pet-friendly kitchen is a food storage and water bowl cabinet. This cabinet can be installed above the feeding area to keep everything neat while providing easy access for your pet.

Here are some ways to customize this cabinet:

  • Built-in Food Storage: Custom cabinetry can include built-in food storage for pet food and treats. This can be in the form of drawers or cabinets with doors.
  • Water Bowl Cabinet: A cabinet can be designed specifically for your pet’s water bowl. This can be a pull-out drawer or a cabinet with a door that opens to reveal the water bowl.
  • Customized Height: The height of the food and water bowls can be customized to ensure that your pet can eat and drink comfortably.

2. Pet-Friendly Flooring

When it comes to flooring, vinyl is a popular choice for homeowners with pets. Vinyl is easy to clean and resistant to scratches, making it an ideal choice for a pet-friendly kitchen.

Here are some ways to incorporate pet-friendly flooring:

  • Vinyl Flooring: Vinyl flooring can be installed throughout the kitchen or in specific areas, such as the feeding station.
  • Pet-Friendly Rugs: Rugs made from durable materials, such as nylon or polypropylene, can be used to add warmth and texture to the kitchen while also being pet-friendly.

3. Integrated Pet Bed

Another great feature of a pet-friendly kitchen is an integrated pet bed. This can be built into the cabinetry, making it look completely integrated into the kitchen that you wouldn’t notice at first that it’s a dog bed.

Here are some ways to customize an integrated pet bed:

  • Built-in Dog Bed: A custom-built dog bed can be integrated into the cabinetry, providing a comfortable place for your pet to rest.
  • Kennel or Dog Crate: A gate can be added to make the pet bed double as a kennel or dog crate, providing a secure space for your pet.

4. Feeding Stations

Designing in advance and building a feeding station in the kitchen allows you to intentionally create spaces for food and water bowls, keeping them in a convenient location and providing direct access to filtered water.

Here are some ways to customize a feeding station:

  • Built-in Feeding Station: A custom-built feeding station can be incorporated into the cabinetry, providing a convenient and organized space for food and water bowls.
  • Pull-Out Drawer: A pull-out drawer can be used to store food and water bowls, making it easy to access and clean.

5. Gated Spaces

Depending on the length and shape of your kitchen, you might want to hire a carpenter to build in one or more gates into the room’s design. Ideally, the gates should slide into a hidden space, such as an area found between two-floor cabinets or a doorway wall.

Here are some ways to customize gated spaces:

  • Sliding Gates: Sliding gates can be used to limit your dog’s access to the kitchen or to keep them out of the way while you’re cooking.
  • Hidden Gates: Gates can be hidden in the cabinetry or the walls, providing a seamless look while also being functional.

6. Secured Trash Receptacles

Secure your trash and recycling receptacles by placing them inside waste and recycling bin cabinetry or making sure the lids are secure. This protects your pet from getting into scraps or discarded items that might harm them.

Here are some ways to customize secured trash receptacles:

  • Waste and Recycling Bin Cabinetry: Custom cabinetry can include built-in waste and recycling bin cabinetry, providing a secure and organized space for trash and recycling.
  • Secure Lids: Lids on trash and recycling bins can be secured to prevent pets from getting into them.

7. Pet-Friendly Cleaners

Use pet-friendly cleaners to clean your kitchen counters and appliances, as harsh chemicals and cleaners can be harmful to pets. Pet-friendly cleaners are non-toxic and safe for pets, making them an ideal choice for a pet-friendly kitchen.

Here are some ways to use pet-friendly cleaners:

  • Non-Toxic Cleaners: Use non-toxic cleaners that are safe for pets.
  • Cleaning Supplies: Keep cleaning supplies in a designated area, out of reach of pets.

8. Pet Gate

If you need to limit your dog’s access to the kitchen, or if you just want to keep them out of the way while you’re cooking, consider installing a pet gate. This will allow them to eat in peace and without fear of being stepped on or getting in the way.

Here are some ways to customize a pet gate:

  • Custom-Built Gates: Custom-built gates can be designed to match the cabinetry, providing a seamless look while also being functional.
  • Sliding Gates: Sliding gates can be used to limit your dog’s access to the kitchen or to keep them out of the way while you’re cooking.

9. Pet-Friendly Kitchen Design

When designing your kitchen, consider how you will use it and how you live your life, rather than specific designs or trends. A pet-friendly kitchen may be an enticing alternative for some people. Consider how you can incorporate pet-friendly features into your kitchen design, such as a feeding station, a water bowl cabinet, and an integrated pet bed.

Here are some ways to customize a pet-friendly kitchen design:

  • Feeding Station: A designated feeding station can be incorporated into the kitchen design, providing a convenient and organized space for food and water bowls.
  • Water Bowl Cabinet: A cabinet can be designed specifically for your pet’s water bowl, providing easy access to fresh water.

10. Water Station

Consider installing a dedicated water station for your pet, filling water dishes with dog-size filler balls may seem over the top, but they’re ideal for filling them. Another disadvantage is that they aren’t always easy to relocate, so it’s important to consider the location of the water station carefully.

Here are some ways to customize a water station:

  • Built-in Water Station: A custom-built water station can be incorporated into the cabinetry, providing a convenient and organized space for your pet’s water bowl.
  • Automatic Waterer: An automatic waterer can be installed, providing a constant supply of fresh water for your pet.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips for creating a pet-friendly kitchen:

  • Keep sharp objects and toxic substances out of reach of pets.
  • Use non-slip mats under food and water bowls to prevent spills and slips.
  • Consider installing a pet door to allow your pet to come and go as they please.
  • Use appliances and appliance garages to keep small items and cords out of reach.
  • Keep the kitchen well-ventilated to prevent pet odors from building up.

Need Help? Work with Milwaukee Kitchen Remodeling

If you’re looking to create a pet-friendly kitchen with customized cabinetry, consider working with Milwaukee Kitchen Remodeling. Our team of experienced professionals can help you design and build a kitchen that meets the needs of your entire family, including your furry friends. From food storage and water bowl cabinets to integrated pet beds and gated spaces, we can create a space that is both functional and pet-friendly.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create your dream kitchen.


Creating a pet-friendly kitchen with customized cabinetry is a great way to ensure that your furry friend is comfortable and safe in your home. By incorporating pet-friendly features such as food storage and water bowl cabinets, pet-friendly flooring, feeding stations, and gated spaces, you can create a functional and stylish kitchen that meets your needs as a homeowner and your pet’s needs.

Remember to use pet-friendly cleaners and secure your trash receptacles to keep your pet safe. With these tips, you can create a pet-friendly kitchen that you and your furry friend will love.